Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Ten Thousand Acres - A Love Story

I really enjoyed this book.  Maybe it was the small amount of reading required to finish the book or the many photos, but I felt it was unique in its content.  The author, Patrice Newell, painted an intimate picture of her biodynamic farm, Elmswood,  in NSW, Australia.  She catalogued the flora and birds on her farm, and, while saving the lists for the back of the book, lightly included some Genus/species knowledge throughout the more personal story of what happens on her farm.  It made me want to get back home to our farm, get my hands dirty and take the kids on a species hunt to uncover what our 80 acres has to offer.  It also made me think I could live anywhere as long as I have some land.  I'm sure there are treasures to be found anywhere we live, but I do believe Australia has got to have the most amazing diversity of life on the planet and it is really exciting to be able to experience it.

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